The reform approved in 2005 had its virtues and defects. One of the virtues was that it managed to open the door to state reforms, which have also been contemplated in entities as diverse as Zacatecas, Michoacán, the Federal District, Morelos, Nuevo León and other states. To date, the only entity that has experienced the migrant vote in state elections is Michoacán, where it was approved in February 2007 as part of a package of electoral reforms. The reform allowed Michoacanos abroad to vote for governor. The modality of the vote was by mail because it was the only existing experience in the country. However, despite the fact that the initiative was initially presented in 2003, it took almost four years for the state congress to approve it and, like the federal case, left little time for effective implementation. The result was also lower than expected, registering a total of 982 applications but only 671 were approved and, subsequently, a total of 349 votes were received. As in the federal experience, the state electoral authorities made mistakes and reflected a lack of knowledge of the migratory phenomenon.

Four years later, Michoacán will have state elections. However, as occurs with the Congress of the Union, the state legislature has neglected the issue of the migrant vote and has not approved or considered any reform to improve the exercise. A different case is occurring in the Federal District, where the Legislative Assembly approved on December 16, 2010 a new electoral reform that also includes the vote of citizens abroad. Unlike Michoacán, in this case the reform establishes the creation of a Committee in charge of coordinating the work on voting abroad, including making proposals on possible modalities of voting. The reform has been approved in time so that in the 2012 election electoral participation from abroad can be specified, where it is considered that some 750,000 natives of the Federal District reside. Special mention deserves Zacatecas, where the migrant vote has not been approved but where there is a 2004 reform, which establishes the inclusion of 2 migrant deputies in the state legislature. This leads to political parties in the state explicitly integrating the migratory issue into their proposals and campaigns. Migrants are added to the last place on the list of plurinominal candidates of the parties and those of the two parties with the highest number of votes are elected. With this modality, generations of migrants with legislative experience and popular election are generated. where the migrant vote has not been approved but where there is a 2004 reform, which establishes the inclusion of 2 migrant deputies in the state legislature. This leads to political parties in the state explicitly integrating the migratory issue into their proposals and campaigns. Migrants are added to the last place on the list of plurinominal candidates of the parties and those of the two parties with the highest number of votes are elected. With this modality, generations of migrants with legislative experience and popular election are generated. where the migrant vote has not been approved but where there is a 2004 reform, which establishes the inclusion of 2 migrant deputies in the state legislature. This leads to political parties in the state explicitly integrating the migratory issue into their proposals and campaigns. Migrants are added to the last place on the list of plurinominal candidates of the parties and those of the two parties with the highest number of votes are elected. With this modality, generations of migrants with legislative experience and popular election are generated. Migrants are added to the last place on the list of plurinominal candidates of the parties and those of the two parties with the highest number of votes are elected. With this modality, generations of migrants with legislative experience and popular election are generated. Migrants are added to the last place on the list of plurinominal candidates of the parties and those of the two parties with the highest number of votes are elected. With this modality, generations of migrants with legislative experience and popular election are generated.